mercredi 19 mai 2010

Los Nach Cambrils

La ultima fin de semaña ! Und wir könnten fast diese Satz direkt auf französisch übersetzten, weil es bei uns bedeutet, dass alles super top fantastisch war ! Bo duch Erasmus był z nami!

Well I have to switch here in English because I would like other people than the main characters of this adventure to be able to read it (the poor, they don't speak German...).

An adventure indeed ! Staring Erasmus people of Karlsruhe, the new story of the band of friends that have decided to make their Erasmus revival, Gruppe 7 productions present : Los nach Cambrils


Some blond-haired boy, in Germany, green t-shirt, strange french accent, searching for his wife, knew he would be missed a lot, but they gave them the orders anyway and let them go...

They thought they will have only a nice week-end, but some of them started the very long trail to Spain on Wednesday evening, taking a coach for 12 hours, and arriving late... Never mind, She was there, like everything was all-right. Their contact in this whole new world... Some other people of the Band were waiting their time, and when it came, they took the command of a plane and made it land in Reus, an airport north-west from their target. Here again was the Contact, and together, arriving in the meeting basement, they woke up the others for the beginning of the first training day.

A view of the basement.

We can say that it was hard. Our heroes, being continuously assaulted by the elements (the water so cold, the light so tiny and the sand so burning), made some terrific efforts to keep training by any conditions, even at night...

Having a good-earned pause in their work, they decided to infiltrate their target to know it ever better, discovering that those people in Cambrils cover their activities by telling everyone that this place was (and 'is still now') settled by fishermen. But this cover is so deep, that our team even had typical meal, fresh and non-cooked seafood, eventually coming from there

After what some of the very deep infiltrated members of the team tried to convince our heroes that the water-training was the best.

In the middle of the second day, the EG7-Team was joined by the partner of one their members, leading them to a place full of a strange liquid looking like water but not in the sea. After a very quick lunch where some native fellow tried to check some intels on our heroes, they decided to make a very dangerous exercise, that ask to sub-teams to strike a ball and run aroud what was called "una piscina" for one, and to catch the ball and sent it back to some kind of throne for the other.

After that all and before leaving this place, they had to accomplish a ritual representing their faithfulness to their team, before the Mission.

Before then end of the day, exhausted, our friends had again some very-well earned rest, in their basement, enjoying simple games that friends play together, like this one where the group kill two of their own people a day !

But resting was good, thinking about the outstanding difficulty of the Mission...

Some of them did go back this night, some of them stayed to make it happen again the day after, lost in this very big town North-East from their initial position, with a lot of building that they had never seen before in an other way than microfilms...

And the sun set in the West, giving them the signal to start, ready they were for the Mission, only waiting the next time their Team will gather again, in an other country, for an other purpose, with the same spirit.

Stop there and try to be a little serious : this week end for me was marvelous, and I can't thank you again for the Stimmung, und ein bischen mehr Cristina que ha bienvenidado nosotros en se casa !

Meine lieblingste Bild ist diese ;-)

lundi 3 mai 2010


Ca y est c'est le printemps !*

Comme cela est de coutume à Lund, chaque 30 Avril, c'est Valborg time !

Qu'est donc ? Et bien tout simplement l'orgie.

Imaginez que tous les étudiants de Lund se donnent RDV dans le parc municipal, avec pour seul et unique objectif de feter l'arrivé du printemps en buvant non stop de 8h à 20h (et plus pour ceux qui tiennent encore debout).

Et bien ca fait du monde et ca ressemble à ca :

Des centaines de millier d'étudiant assis sur une pelouse, tout en buvant.

Ou encore en vidéo à ca :

Sauf que avec ma chance, cette année il a plu toute la journée et ca ressemblait donc plutot à ca :

Mais bon c'était quand même sympa !

Et puis le 1 mai, c'est la "même" fete, mais pour les vieux, avec une chorale qui chante l'arrivé du printemps en direct sur la TV suédoise ! J'y étais, je suis donc sans doute passez à la TV ! Youhou !

*Ah bah non en faite, le printemps, nous on l'attend toujours...